An exploration of outdoor cast iron cooking and a stop to smell the flowers along the way.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Spring is Sprouting
I woke up Wednesday morning and was laying in bed noticing how clean my fingers and fingernails were. That's because of a long winter of not digging in the dirt. Most all of the snow is finally gone and the sun is shinning. It looks like a beautiful day! So let's go see what's sprouting.
The day lilies or, as my aunt calls them, roadside lilies. They are always early to sprout and hardy to any frost damage that April may bring.
And of course the daffodils will be one of the first blooms with a sunny splash of yellow.
Then the tulips will add a a festive burst of color. Unfortunately for the tulips, they are out close to the road and receive a spray of stone and grit from the snowplows all winter. They always require a little cleanup in the spring.
Those bits of red are the rhubarb leaves trying to unfurl as they push out of the ground. So you can see there are signs of life in the garden! There is also a lot of clean-up to do. I need to get rid of last years debris but I don't like to clean up too much too soon. I like to be able to see where the plants are supposed to be so I don't dig them up before they get started!
As you can see here, the fish pond is not ready for the fish yet as there is still a thin layer of ice. And though the day looks sunny and warm that wind is c-c-c-c-cold! So I took my still clean hands inside!
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